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Gravel driveway maintenance

Spring is a great time to resurface a gravel driveway. With snow melt you’ll likely be able to see where you have drainage issues and the sooner you address these issues the better, before you get a driveway with many potholes that requires extensive repairs. Whether you’ve got a gravel driveway with crushed limestone or crushed concrete we can add material and resurface it to provide a smooth and even driveway for the year.

Our process is simple and most driveways can be finished in under a day. We start by using a land plane with teeth to dig into your existing material and loosen it up, filling it low spots and leveling the entire surface. Than we bring in new material, the rockier the better as material with many smalls and fines will be more likely to muck up when we get heavy rains. Next we grade out the driveway to suit the areas conditions and to allow for drainage off the driveway, usually leaving a crown in the center to keep the driveway as dry as possibly. For all driveways we recommend compaction using a skid steer compactor or a large walk behind compactor to extend the life of the newly surfaced driveway.

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